


Ciril Jazbec’s photographs from Greenland appeared in the March issue of Geo, within the context of the theme of fasting. People who mainly ate what they were able to hunt, were used to eating irregularly. Back then it was an advantage to be able to quickly build up a layer of fat. Nowadays this property has mostly lost its function. Scientists have rediscovered fasting as a means to heal many illnesses. In Jazbec’s reportage, however, hunting plays a very different role: in Greenland there are only a few people who are still skilled in hunting methods handed down over generations – traditional hunting does not seem destined to survive the encroachment of the modern age.

Further Publications:

Camera & Lens

Leica M (Typ 240) / Summilux-M 35 mm f/1.4 Asph


Ciril Jazbec

Ciril Jazbec, born in Slovenia in 1987, moved from commercial photography to photo journalism. Jazbec’s documentary work now focusses primarily on the effects of climate change and the societal interplay between tradition and modernity. In 2013 he won the Leica Oskar Barnack Newcomer Award. This earned him a new Leica M (Typ 240).

  • 2016_03