M Magazine
Founded in 1925 as a recreational camp for children, Artek on the Crimean Peninsula was reconstructed during the Khrushchev era and, with its innovative architectural imagery, became a object of prestige for the CPSU’s General Secretary. To spend the summer there was the dream of many youngsters in the Soviet Union. Nowadays, the pioneer camp is experiencing a revival. Claudine Doury travelled to a hideaway of nostalgia.
Camera & Lens
Leica M6 / Summilux-M 35 mm f/1.4 Asph
Claudine Doury

Claudine Doury has received a number of awards, including the 1999 Leica Oscar Barnack Award for her work Peuples de Sibérie, and the World Press Photo 2000. In 2004 she received the Yann Arthus Bertrand Award, as well as the Prix Niépce. Her photographs can be seen all over the world in group and solo exhibitions, as well as important collections. Doury is represented by the Galerie Particulière in Paris and Brussels, and has been a member of the VU’ Photo Agency since 1991.